The power of cold plasma in a flash
What is plasma?
Plasma is a state of matter that occurs when a gas is ionized by the application of a strong electric field, which strips electrons from atoms and generates free ions and electrons.
This highly reactive medium has many applications in various fields.
The use of plasma in surface state modification is a non-destructive and environmentally-friendly method that allows the surface properties of materials to be altered. Applications include cleaning, etching, deposition, polymerization, and surface chemical modification.
Beyond surface state modification, plasma also has applications in many other fields such as energy production, medicine, agriculture, the electronics industry, semiconductor production, pollution control, and sterilization.
Plasma can be used to destroy bacteria and viruses in hospitals and laboratories. It can also be used for the production of synthetic fuel from natural gas and other fuels.
In short...
Activating and modifying surfaces
Clean and functionalize surfaces
Food industry
Disinfecting surfaces, extending food shelf life
Biomass pretreatment, gas purification, ozone production.
Waste treatment and environmental rehabilitation
Treat contaminated air and water.
Break down a wide variety of pollutants such as volatile organic compounds and hydrocarbons.
Medical applications
Wound healing, inflammation reduction, cancer treatment, disinfection of medical instruments